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Childhood clubfoot

Congenital clubfoot (Latin, Pes equinovarus) belongs to the group of extremity malformations, and is a combination of different foot deformities. It consists of several components: (a) high-arched foot (cavus), (b) pigeon toes (adductus), (c) varus of the heel, d) drop foot (equinus).
Pathomorphologically it can be divided into two main components: 1) structural arthrogenic contracture of USG and OSG in inversion, and 2) muscular disbalance (weakening evertors/hyperactivity posterior tibialis + anterior and gastrocnemius).

Treatment / Therapy

The aim of the Ponseti method is to correct all components of the deformity so that the patients have feet free of pain with good mobility, which do not require orthopaedic or adapted shoes. This is achieved with careful, successive manual correction of all contraction deformities with a series of weekly casts. Each cast is preceded by gentle manipulation of the foot (redression), in which the foot is rotated a little further outward. The treatment begins between the 7th to 10th day of life, and lasts about 4-6 weeks.



Clinic an Polyclinic for Orthopaedics and Orthopaedic Surgery

OA Dr. Gilbert Engel 
Head of the foot and ankle surgery department


Tamara Usichenko
Geschäftsbereich Patientenmanagement
Universitätsmedizin Greifswald
Fleischmannstr. 8
17475 Greifswald

Phone: +49 3834 86-5184
Mobil: +49 151 55459980
E-Mail: international.patientsmed.uni-greifswaldde