Research data are an integral part of scientific investigations but are often not published. As a result, many scientific findings cannot be disseminated for re(use) or can only be reused with great effort. The goal of my research is to make research data sustainably available.
I develop concepts, methods and tools for more effective handling of research data. In this context, graph databases play an important role as a way of linking heterogeneous data sources. Besides very specific solutions for the management of large, heterogeneous research data in collaborative projects, we also develop generic solutions for efficient data retrieval, or similarity measures and concepts for data provenance.
I furthermore aim to improve data management practices along with all phases of the data life cycle. I develop guidelines, standards and roadmaps for sustainable research data management in various committees and working groups. Among others, I contribute to ISO and DIN, I am vice-chair of COMBINE (Network for Standardization of Data in Computational Biology), and I participate in national networks such as NFDI4Health, the Medical Informatics Initiative, and the Netzwerk Universitätsmedizin.
Many of the concepts developed in our group are directly incorporated into the workflows of the Core Unit Data Integration Center, which will facilitate clinician scientists‘ access to research data and hence support them in research data management.