

Neuro-disabilities are the leading causes of acquired disabilities worldwide and are increasing in frequency affecting more and more people in our societies. Neuro-disabilities frequently pose severe limitation in everyday life and a considerable burden to those affected and their carers. Deficits may affect various body functions such as consciousness, perception, cognition, emotion, language, swallowing, breathing, head, trunk and limb movements, motor control and co-ordination, somatosensory deficits, sexual, bladder and bowel control deficits. All these deficits can limit the capacity to cope with everyday life activities, consequently reduce a person’s autonomy, and restrict social activities in family, at school or work, with societal and leisure activities, and hence quality of life.

Support for Neuro-Disabilities by Neurorehabilitation

The Central and Western European perspective

A short talk at the World Brain Day (2023)

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Neurorehabilitation is the clinical discipline to combat neuro-disabilities by multidisciplinary interprofessional goal-oriented and evidence-based healthcare.

Neurorehabilitation Research and Education

Neurorehabilitation research draws from (basic) neuroscience, includes clinical research, healthcare research, evidence synthesis, guideline and clinical pathway development.

Neurorehabilitation education meets both basic and advance educational needs for single professions involved in neurorehabilitation as well as multidisciplinary education formats with a focus on both regional and international activities.