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EU: ImpactG

The Neuroscience Group at the Medical Faculty of the University of Greifswald promotes interdisciplinary investigations from the level of gene expression in single neurons to imaging of localized regions of the human brain and neurorehabilitation. Ongoing studies encompass: behavioral neuroscience; neurorehabilitation; functional neuroimaging and sensorimotor integration; molecular neurophysiology; molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying recovery of brain tissue and function after stroke; adult brain neurogenesis and tissue regeneration.

Concept and objectives of the IMPACT-G project

Neuroscience is an interdisciplinary field dedicated to improve our understanding of neural communication mechanisms in health and disease.

Although there are quite a number of neuroscience institutions in Europe conducting high quality research, there is a growing need for research and development in this field. The Neuroscience Group at the Ernst Moritz Arndt University (EMAU) Greifswald is located in a convergence region, and the paucity of high-tech, expensive equipment for research, the lack of a critical mass of experienced researchers, a reduced level of experience and knowledge of researchers as well as fewer international collaborations with highly competitive groups put severe limitations on the impact of our publications and our capacity to attract research funds from EU programs.

Therefore the major aim of this proposal is to readdress this imbalance by:

  • Stimulating the exploitation of the full research potential of our Neuroscience Group by acquisition of cutting-edge technology and equipment,
  • Increasing the quality and international impact of our research by cooperation with high-profile institutions and recruitment of experienced researchers.



Prof. Dr. Heinrich Brinkmeier
Universitätsmedizin Greifswald
Institut für Pathophysiologie
Greifswalder Str. 11c
17495 Karlsburg

E-Mail: heinrich.brinkmeieruni-greifswaldde
Telefon: 03834 86-19319