EU: EnVision
Molecular Imaging is one of the fastest growing areas in basic and applied scientific research. It allows completely novel insights into basic cellular processes and thus creates the potential to better understand crucial pathophysiological mechanisms of diseases and to delineate effective diagnostic and therapeutic methods.
The Ernst Moritz Arndt University (EMAUG) set up the Baltic MR Imaging Center in 2004. It employs more than 50 biologists and physicians working on current applications of magnetic resonance imaging in biology and medicine. However it is becoming increasingly clear that in order to comprehend life processes both under normal and pathologic conditions on the basic level, dynamic molecular imaging is required. So far, the infrastructure and expertise of dynamic molecular imaging is underdeveloped in Greifswald. The EMAUG is located in a convergence region, and the paucity of advanced equipment for research, the lack of a critical mass of experienced researchers, a reduced level of experience and knowledge of researchers as well as fewer international collaborations with highly competitive groups put severe limitations on our capacity to attract research funds from EU programs. Therefore the major objective of this proposal is to redress this balance by
- stimulating the realization of the full research potential of our Medical Faculty by acquisition of high-tech equipment including a two-photon microscope;
- achievement of a critical mass of skilled researchers by recruitment of eight experienced researchers;
- improving S&T experience and knowledge of researchers by exchange of know-how and experience with scientific experts from eight Strategic Partners;
- organization of workshops on molecular imaging;
- dissemination and promotional activities. With this add-on value, the EMAUG will become a center of excellence in dynamic molecular imaging in Pomerania.
Prof. Dr. Karlhans Endlich
Universitätsmedizin Greifswald
Institut für Anatomie und Zellbiologie
Loeffler - Str. 23 c
17475 Greifswald
E-Mail: karlhans.endlichuni-greifswaldde
Telefon: 03834 86-5300